Sales Charts: Invincible holds off The Boys on GlobalComix for June 21st
A look at the top ten comics from indie creators shows a lot of variety in this week’s charts
A look at the top ten comics from indie creators shows a lot of variety in this week’s charts
People still love Invincible…but a rival is rumbling on the horizon. Also bubbling under from Next-Jen and Jacksepticeye in GlobalComix’s […]
People love the Turtles! The first issue of the July relaunch has 300,000 copies in preorders.
Manta and Meet Cute’s collaboration to bring I’ve Become a True Villainess to audio drama life is a match made […]
Invincible still reigns supreme on GlobalComix’s weekly rankings…..but what does an imperious dragoness have to do with it all?
Big Finish takes fans INTO THE TARDIS with new audio drama podcast
RYAN NORTH returned to script both the podcast and a tie-in Infinity Comic.
The scripted podcast series will launch next month in nine different languages.
We interrupt our regular arc of Graphic Novel TK posting to bring you our different feature: Graphic Novel TK Backmatter. Where Graphic […]
Rodriguez and four other new BATMAN UNBURIED cast members were announced during DC Fandome.